Exams at Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire College are unable to offer exams to private candidates unless they are studying online with LearnOnline.

Terms & Conditions
Before you make any payments for exams, please read the Exams at Pembrokeshire College terms and conditions.
Fees are payable on application and we cannot enter your application to the Examinations Team until we have received payment in full.
Exam Access Arrangements
If you think you have EAA, read more about how Pembrokeshire College can support you by following this link.
Please feel free to contact us to request an application form and discuss booking your exams, we will be happy to help.
Do you qualify?
If you are studying with LearnOnline at Pembrokeshire College, you qualify as a private candidate. It is your responsibility to find an exam centre who will accept you and enter you for your exams.
It is very important that you provide us with full and accurate information when you apply. It is also important that you read all the information given to you.
There are three main exam series throughout the academic year. It is vital that you apply and pay for your exams by the following deadline to avoid late payment fees and guarantee a space.
- November exams: 31st August
- January exams: 30th September
- May/June exams: 15th January please note we are often full before this date and bookings are subject to availability
If you apply past these deadlines and we can accommodate you, late payment fees may apply.
It is also important for you to read the Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ) exam regulations prior to sitting your exams, all of which you can find by following this link: Information for candidates documents – JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications
Transferred Candidate*
If you need Pembrokeshire College to enter you for your written exams and complete transfer paperwork please make this clear on application so that we get all the correct information from you.
*What is a transferred candidate?
Transferred Candidates are when an exam centre enter the candidate for the exams, but the candidate may need to sit their exams at another centre, closer to home, for example. This is not a guaranteed solution and Pembrokeshire College have the right to reject an application for this.
Resit Exam Paper
This applies to candidates who were entered by Pembrokeshire College in the last exam series and they did not receive the grade they wanted.
Cost is per paper and must be paid for by the deadlines:
- IGCSE & A level Resit exams*: 30th September
- CAIE Resit exams: 31st August
*IGCSE & A level Resit exams deadline is for AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJEC and include GCSEs.
Post Results Service
You will have been sent the details of options when you received your exam results from us. There are various options, click on the ‘Book Now’ button to pay for the service you require.
Please ensure you pay for the services by the deadlines given on the form, we cannot accept entry after the deadlines.
Refunds for post results services are not available.
Additional Tutor-Marked Exam Papers
If you are an online student and wish to pay for additional tutor marked exam past papers.